The Accreditation Process
- Become a Member of TABS
Join the Texas Association of Baptist Schools (TABS) by contacting us here.
- Initial Discussion
Discuss the accreditation process with an ACTABS representative.
- Request Materials
Request self-study materials and an application from the ACTABS office.
- Submit Application and Pre-Accreditation Survey
Complete the application and Pre-Accreditation Survey, then mail them to ACTABS with the $100 application fee. An ACTABS consultant will conduct a site visit, and your school will be granted Pre-Candidacy status if approved.
- Self-Study Preparation
Prepare a written self-study with guidance from a consultant assigned by the ACTABS Standards Chair. Form a steering committee to manage this process, which typically takes 9-12 months.
- Self-Study Submission
Submit the completed self-study to the Standards Committee after approval from ACTABS.
- Schedule the Visit
When ready, schedule a visit by a team of 2-4 people to verify the self-study. The visit lasts 2-3 days, and the school is responsible for travel, food, lodging, and mileage expenses.
- Team Report
The visiting team writes a report within four weeks and sends it to the headmaster for review.
- Approval and Corrections
The report is reviewed and approved at the fall or spring commissioners meeting. Schools are given time to correct any violations in a timely manner.
- Accreditation Granted
Once approved, your school is accredited for five years and assigned a school number by TEPSAC. The school must appoint two commissioners and attend two meetings.
By following these 10 steps, your school can achieve and maintain accreditation through ACTABS, ensuring high standards of academic excellence and Christian values.
Questions about where to start? Reach out to us!
Required Documents for ACTABS Accreditation Process
To start the accreditation process with ACTABS, applicant schools need to have the following documents and materials prepared:
- Pre-Accreditation Survey
- Complete the Pre-Accreditation Survey.
- Site Visit Preparation
- Arrange a site visit from an ACTABS consultant.
- Pre-Candidacy Status
- Obtain Pre-Candidacy status after the site visit and consultant evaluation.
- Self-Study Preparation
- Prepare a comprehensive written self-study including:
- Eligibility:
- State name of school, mailing address, church affiliation, name, and title of head administrator.
- State grades offered and division of grades.
- Evidence of TABS membership.
- Brief history of the school including the number of years each grade offered.
- Philosophy:
- Published Philosophy.
- School’s goals.
- Evidence of church’s support of the school.
- Organization & Governance:
- Definition of the role of the pastor.
- Corporate status of the school.
- Church authorization for the school.
- Selection and authority of the school board or committee.
- Procedure for making policy decisions.
- Chain of command or organizational chart.
- Explanation of the financial relationship between the school and church with supporting documentation.
- Copy of board minutes and board policies.
- Policies that govern the board.
- Copy of teacher manual.
- Copy of student-parent handbook.
- Administration:
- Evidence that individual board members are not involved in day-to-day school operations.
- Copy of official job description for the head administrator of the school.
- Copy of the chain of command in emergency situations.
- Copy of academic records, degrees, and years of experience of all administrators.
- Copy of degrees of counselors, business managers, and chaplains.
- Current enrollment figures by grade.
- List of all counselors.
- All school health records.
- List of health requirements of the Texas Department of Health with the latest copy of the letter of compliance.
- Copy of the letter concerning asbestos compliance.
- Sampling of permanent records, including grades and standardized test scores.
- Facilities:
- Map of the school campus showing all classrooms, restrooms, play areas, lunchroom, and gym.
- Copies of any health, safety, or other permits.
- Total number of usable volumes in the school library.
- Listing of periodicals received and dates of acquisition.
- Listing of audio-visual aids with numerical breakdowns within categories.
- Listing of equipment for school communications, record-keeping, and instructional needs.
- Description of food services program.
- Traffic flow chart.
- Location and security of permanent records.
- Working arrangements for dual-use facilities.
- Outlines of handling safety concerns, such as storage of chemicals, disaster plans, and fire drill procedures.
- Faculty:
- List of all teachers showing degrees, years of teaching experience, and salary.
- Access to teacher records.
- Copies of evaluation instruments used for teacher evaluation.
- Copy of contracts used for employment of professional school personnel.
- Finances:
- Copy of current year’s salary schedule.
- Copy of how the budget process works.
- Copy of current year’s budget, fee structure, etc.
- Copy of the most recent financial statement.
- Copy of the most recent audit of the school’s finances.
- Statement of the church’s willingness to underwrite the school if necessary.
- List of all support staff with position and salary.
- Students:
- Copy of student admissions policy.
- Statement of the school’s compliance with the basic rights in the admission process.
- Copy of results of student standardized testing.
- Copy of the follow-up study of the academic performance of graduates.
- Copy of the school’s system of reporting to parents.
- Copy of the school’s mandatory attendance rule.
- Curriculum:
- Copy of the current year’s school calendar.
- Copy of the daily schedule for each grade/class.
- Description or outline of the school’s Bible program.
- Evidence that the “essential elements” are included in the curriculum.
- Copies of published material describing the school’s curriculum.
- List of graduation requirements (if applicable).
- Eligibility:
- Prepare a comprehensive written self-study including:
- Self-Study Notebooks
- Assemble at least five copies of the Narrative Response Notebook and the Documentation Notebook, each including:
- Narrative Response Notebook:
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- School Board list
- Faculty & Staff list
- Time Line for ACTABS Self-Study
- Responses to Standards: Eligibility, Philosophy, Organization & Governance, Administration, Facilities, Faculty, Finances, Students, Curriculum.
- Documentation Notebook:
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Documentation for each of the nine areas: Eligibility, Philosophy, Organization & Governance, Administration, Facilities, Faculty, Finances, Students, Curriculum.
- Narrative Response Notebook:
- Assemble at least five copies of the Narrative Response Notebook and the Documentation Notebook, each including:
- Submit Self-Study
- Submit the completed self-study to the Standards Committee for approval.
Contact ACTABS to request a full list of requirements.